Upcycle your stuff

I totally understand that in an age full of stuff people don’t necessarily need more! As a consequence, I am happy for you to bring me your stuff to paint. I am happy to have pieces posted or hand delivered. Also, if you don’t see the item you want on my website or Instagram feed (on my home page) I am happy to help you source the right thing.
So, what do people bring?
Over the past years customers have brought me all sorts of stuff. This has ranged from barrels to Thermos mugs. I have also painted a steady stream of customer’s horseshoes, from their own horses.

The gallery below shows some of the recent items people have brought me to paint. It’s an eclectic selection, and reflects my customers’ imaginations. The ‘sweet things’ bin is actually for dog poo bags, my customers needed somewhere to stash the bags when cruising. Another boater had a pair of IKEA lamp decorated. Whilst someone else brought me a large milk-churn to strip and repaint.
Decoration can be simple, such as on a kettle or coal bucket where I paint on the existing base colour. However, other pieces require more of a restoration approach, with sanding down, fixing and repainting.
That’s all very well, but I want other stuff…

I realise we all have different stuff we like to use, and sometimes we do need to add to our collections. For instance, perhaps your kitchenware is all yellow and you want canal art mugs to match. Although I don’t stock yellow mugs I would be happy to help you find some. Alternatively, you could find your own mugs online and have them posted directly to me. For example, recently a customer wanted an oval planter of a specific size. We messaged about this, and eventually found a black mop-bucket that would fit the purpose.
How to bring me your stuff
If you have something you would like painted, or a specific item you are looking for, contact me via email, Facebook or Instagram . Usually I respond within a couple of hours. For payment I prefer BACS. I may also ask for a deposit before undertaking the work.
Please note: payment is due within 7 days of painting being completed. Additional charges will apply after 7 days. Items can be collected by prior arrangement or returned by post at extra cost. Items not paid for within 1 month will be considered unwanted and will be advertised for sale.